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'NJORD' Universal knife

Sale price$909.00 NZD


  • Blade specifications NJORD Universal knife
  • Steel: 33 layers VG10 San Mai steel
  • Hardness: 60 HRC
  • Blade length: 13.5cm
  • Full length: 26.0cm
  • Weight: 91g


Red Dot Award Winner: Product Design 2020

The Red Dot is the design award for high design quality. The international jury only awards this sought-after seal of quality to products that have an excellent design.

Finalist i Danish Design Award 2020

The Danish Design Award is the largest annual Danish design event that celebrates the best design solutions and highlights the many ways in which design can make a difference in society.

Universalknive fra Ansø of Denmark Gastro. 'NJORD' Universalkniv Egetræ _NSF/NJRD/EGETR/UNIVE/3500/01
'NJORD' Universal knife Sale price$909.00 NZD