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Outlet / 'Monolith' knife block in smoked oak and ALU

REA-pris€160,95 EUR Pris€319,95 EUR

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THE MONOLITH is a free-standing knife block inspired by the monolith in Stanley Kubrick's legendary film "2001: A Space Odyssey".

The tight and stylish design with the symmetrical metal rails gives THE MONOLITH a sculptural expression that makes it a small work of art in itself.

This Monolith measures 15x15 cm and is 32 cm high. It is made of smoked oak with aluminum details.

The magnets are invisibly encased in the wood and distributed in several rows so that you achieve optimal adhesion with several contact points on the knife blade. This prevents your knives from "spinning" around and being attracted to each other.

Read more about how our knife blocks differ from other products on the market.

Outlet Outlet / ‘Monolith’ knivblok i røget eg og ALU_1 by Rune-Jakobsen Design
Outlet / 'Monolith' knife block in smoked oak and ALU REA-pris€160,95 EUR Pris€319,95 EUR