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Pre-order 2025 - Fresh green walnuts mix from all trees

Sale price$29.00 AUD

NOTE: All orders are delivered early August 2025 regardless of the time of order.

When Kari and I bought the country property where Rune-Jakobsen Design has its home in 1995, two old walnut trees were included in the trade. The previous owner of the house has stated that they were planted from seeds in 1945 and 1950 respectively.

In the years after we planted several walnut trees so the total population is now up on 6 beautiful trees in different sizes, which supply green walnuts to both private schnapps lovers as well as professional manufacturers of walnut schnapps and liqueurs.


We mix 350 grams of nuts from our 6 different trees!

When you order one serving, we send 350 grams of nuts which makes ample essence for the production of approx. 3 bottles of schnapps.

The essence can be mixed depending on how strongly you want it.

There are many recipes for walnut but click Here. To see Elisabeth from Thybomads Beautiful recipe, which is the one we use and recommend

You can order all year round. We pick the fresh green nuts at the beginning of August each year and pack them in portions suitable for the production of approx. three bottles of walnut schnapps.

The nuts are sent immediately after picking and you can store them for 5-10 days in the refrigerator after delivery.


Snapseurter fra Kari & Torben. Forudbestilling 2025 - Friske grønne valnødder blanding fra alle træer _KRT/FRDB/SNAPS/3601/01
Pre-order 2025 - Fresh green walnuts mix from all trees Sale price$29.00 AUD