Pre-order 2025 - Fresh green walnuts from the 1950 tree
NOTE: All orders are delivered early August 2025 regardless of the time of order.
When Kari and I bought the country property where Rune-Jakobsen Design has its home in 1995, two old walnut trees were included in the trade. The previous owner of the house has stated that they were planted from seeds in 1945 and 1950 respectively.
In the years after we planted several walnut trees so the total population is now up on 6 beautiful trees in different sizes, which supply green walnuts to both private schnapps lovers as well as professional manufacturers of walnut schnapps and liqueurs.
1950 tree
The medium-sized nuts come from the frozen walnut tree from around 1950. It bears large nuts of approx. 25-40 gr. pcs and gives an excellent essence with depth and finesse - although still a little lighter and not as rich in tannins as the schnapps from the very small nuts from the oldest tree.
When you order one serving, we send 300 grams of nuts which makes ample essence for the production of approx. 3 bottles of schnapps.
The essence can be mixed depending on how strongly you want it.
You can order all year round. We pick the fresh green nuts at the beginning of August each year and pack them in portions suitable for the production of approx. three bottles of walnut schnapps.
The nuts are sent immediately after picking and you can store them for 5-10 days in the refrigerator after delivery.
Recipe for walnut schnapps
This essence yields about 3 bottles of schnapps. You need to arm yourself with patience – it takes about 1-1½ years to make a good walnut schnapps.
8-10 green and unripe walnuts (approx. 300 gr.)
3 bottles of vodka or neutral schnapps
1 glass (with a lid) of about 1 liter
1 serving of good patience
Here's how you do it:
Unripe walnuts contain a juice that stains quite strongly, so it's a good idea to wear gloves when cutting them.
Split your walnuts and cut them into quarters or halves. Put them in your glass and pour the spirits over your walnuts so they are just covered (approx. 4-5 dl). The glass must be twice the size of the walnuts. It is important that they have the opportunity to breathe. Therefore, the glass should not be completely filled. There should also be air left in the glass.
Feel free to shake your glass every 14 days, and lift the lid slightly to reintroduce some oxygen. Put it in a dark spot and let it steep for at least 5 months. Once you've been very patient – remove the walnuts and filter the schnapps. Then let the schnapps run through a clean coffee filter a few times, and you should be left with a nice dark brown walnut essence. Put it in a bottle and let it sit for at least another month – preferably 6 months.
We recommend mixing essence in the ratio 1 part essens 6 part neutral vodka or schnapps. We use approx 1/3 batch of essence for one bottle of schnapps, but we encourage adding it in little by little to find your own preference. Once you've diluted the essence, the walnut schnapps has to sit for another month, so that the taste is allowed to gather and to become rounder in flavor. The longer you let a walnut snap sit and gather, the better it will be; it only gets better with each passing year.
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